Dear parents,
In the spirit of improving school-to-home communications and my goal of transparency, I write to you today to share an update on the well tank situation.
After initial actions were taken to correct the well tank pressure issue it has been recently discovered that more electrical control components have failed on the system. Maintenance is currently manually controlling the pressure. This afternoon an imbalance was experienced due to high water demand i.e. flushing of toilets and resulted in a lack of water and water pressure at the end of the school day today. Our electricians are working diligently to acquire the necessary components to repair the system. We believe that we can operate with a normal opening of school tomorrow but as always, I will keep you updated should that change. Unfortunately, all afterschool activities will be postponed today, Thursday, March 09, 2023, so that we can continue to monitor the situation.
Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
Dr. Jeanene Dutt