Helpful notes for Genesis Parent Portal:
1. Genesis Parent Portal can be found in website. Choose “Genesis (Parents)” from the main menu.
2. If you do not have or do not know whether you have access to the Genesis Parent Portal, please call Marinelle Blanchette at 908-362-8211, ext. 1139 for assistance.
3. You must complete four of the required forms on the list indicated on the far right of the tab. The 4 required forms include:
Acceptable Use Policy
Update Contact Information
Health History Update
Consent to Publish
4. Once these are completed, you will be able to maneuver in the Parent Portal site (i.e. Summary tab for your child’s schedule, bus information etc).
5. If your child participates in Athletics, please complete the Sports Participation form. NOTE: Every Season your child participates in Sports, you must complete these form as they become available.
6. After completing the online forms in the Genesis Parent Portal, please ensure your e-mail pops up under the “Submitted By” column.
7. If your e-mail does not pop up under the “Submitted By” column, it means that you must go back to the form by clicking on the name of the form, which will open up the form you completed. Scroll all the way to the bottom and click on “Update Form”.
8. Your e-mail should appear under the “Submitted By” column.
9. Repeat Step 2 until all forms needed has an e-mail appearing under the “Submitted By” column.
10. If anyone encounters a problem, please call Marinelle Blanchette at (908) 362-8211, ext. 1139.