The North Warren Regional Board of Education and its Administrative Leadership Team have joined with a statewide coalition of school districts who are negatively impacted by the reduction in state school aid resulting from P.L. 2018, Chapter 67. This coalition of schools will be bringing their message and concerns to state lawmakers and the public about the severe and negative impact that the state aid reduction will have on students, educational programming, and the tax payers in their districts. Currently, there are sixty-two (62) districts statewide, representing school districts from (14) counties and 117,000 students who have joined the “Support Our Students” coalition.
Locally, North Warren Regional is projected to lose almost $4 million. In FY2018, North Warren Regional received over $5 million in state school aid. By FY2025, the changes required by Chapter 76 when overlaid by local demographic changes will result in school aid for North Warren of just over $1 million. This significant change will result in staff cuts and dramatic changes to educational programs.
These drastic cuts are in stark contrast to North Warren’s standing as an “over efficient” District. The New Jersey Department of Education repeatedly recognizes North Warren as a leader in Taxpayer Guide to Education Spending efficiency metrics. Most notably, North Warren is the most efficient regional high school District in the tri-county (Warren, Sussex, Hunterdon) region, having the lowest cost per pupil of any regional high school district in the local area.
At its December 10, 2018 Board of Education meeting, the Board adopted a resolution advocating for immediate changes to current school funding laws. The North Warren Regional Board of Education calls on the members of all local township committees to stand with the Board of Education and call on state lawmakers to freeze further reductions to state aid allocations until a joint legislative committee is convened to address this funding crisis. At that time, the Board would ask local and state lawmakers to work together to find a viable solution that benefits all stakeholders and especially our students.
For additional information please contact:
Sarah Bilotti, North Warren Regional, Superintendent (908-362-8211, Ext. 1203)
Chris Heagele, North Warren Regional, School Business Administrator (908-362-8211, Ext. 1205)