
Spring is here and the flamingos are back! 

Take part in the PTO’s Flamingo Fundraiser! 

This is a great way to surprise a NW Senior or bring a smile to friends or family!!

***All Proceeds will go to our newly formed  PTO Feeney Flamingo Scholarship***

What is it?

In the night, members place pink flamingos in the yards of the friends that you paid to have “flamingoed/flocked.” Each of the flocks will have a note explaining how a friend of theirs paid to have them “flamingoed/flocked”  in support of our fundraiser.  They can either make a donation and have another family flocked or purchase No Flocking Zone Insurance so it doesn’t happen to them again or just wait 48 hours to have the birds removed . The flocking is done in good spirits and our hope is that the flamingos continue to visit the North Warren school district area in the Fall and Spring each year.

If you would like to flock a friend, please complete the attached form and send it along with a check written out to North Warren PTO. Or click the link below and request online using Venmo.

If you are not a fan of your yard being flocked, but you still want to be a part of the fun, please check off the “NO FLOCKING ZONE INSURANCE”  section.  This will guarantee no flocks in your yard for the flocking season.

Your Contact Information:

Name:                 ______________________________________

Address:             ______________________________________


Phone            ______________________________________

EmaiL:        ______________________________________

*Check here for NO FLOCKING ZONE INSURANCE ($25.00)

____ I do not want to get my property Flamingoed/Flocked at the above stated address!

Please Flock this yard:  ($20.00)  (Please Print)

Recipient’s Name:    ______________________________________

Address:        ______________________________________


Phone:        ______________________________________

Email:            ______________________________________

Do you want to remain anonymous?   Yes or No

Flocking Fee – $20

No Flocking Zone Insurance – $25

Cash, Check or Venmo:

Total Amount: $_________________

Make checks payable to North Warren PTO. Send this form to:

North Warren PTO

PO Box 74

Blairstown, NJ 07825.

The Flamingos will be collected 48 hours after they have landed. Please email to make arrangements for emergency pickups or other questions.

Thank you for your support and sense of humor!  Please pass the spirit of “Flocking” on to your friends!!